I want to stand at the top of that waterfall.. i want to feel the free-ness of jumping off into that water
sleep?!?!?!? what's that?!?!
I think every single person could do better in this aspect of their lives-- including myself
I love knowing that someone cared enough about me to remember the smallest thing
i have been in and seen the darkest of dark places in my life. i've been there, i've risen, and i've conquered it and refuse to go back
i wish more people would just take a moment to breathe each day, and realize how amazing life is
there is absolutely NOTHING i wish more
this quote is dead on. i believe all the troubles i have ever had in my life were all there for me to have more appreciation for the way things have turned out in my life. to always keep me fighting for a better tomorrow, to keep me striving to become more.
I have probably asked myself a million times so far in my lifetime "when will things finally fall into place?"-- and as I sit here today at work, I think Im beginning to realize that there is no "in place" That life is chaos. A beautiful, chaotic mess. We go from one place, or one situation to the next wondering if that's where we are meant to be, or if that's what we are meant to be doing. We spend so much time wondering, trying to plan out what will happen next, or what we want to happen next and we often miss out on so many beautiful moments, opportunities, lessons. There are many different paths I could have taken previously. Different choices I could have made, that at the time may have led me into better direction or situations. But today, I sit here-- for the first time in a long time-- completely at peace. Completely content with where I am, and who I am. Completely grateful for my chaotic mess that I have made, and the chaotic moments and experiences I have yet to have. Things may not be "in place" like I had planned, but they are "in place" exactly how they were meant to be.
I dont know why I like this picture so much. I think it reminds me of being a kid. All the carelessness in the world. Just to be free and have fun.
I would never, ever leave this place if I found it. What a beautiful view.
This explains why I have done so many things in my life. No matter how badly someone has hurt me, or destroyed my trust-- I will always do things to help them, to better them. Recently, I had helped someone who hurt me more than anyone ever has in my life, and after not hearing a word from them in years I went out of my way to help them, and in return got nothing-- not even a thank you. But I want this person to be happy, and If I in some way can help contribute to that, I will help as much as I can.
Heard it a million times
EXACTLY how I have felt in my angry stage of breakups
such an awful feeling, that i have felt too many times. to love someone so much, and to know that you are just their convenience, their option, they know that they can use the fact that you will always be there, no matter what.
ive always been a dreamer, ever since i was a kid. im proud to be a dreamer. dreams are the first steps to accomplishments, to conquering things. inventions start from dreams, championships start with dreams, success starts with dreams.
without a doubt. i will look at you and smile, and thank you for making me who i am today
ive had this thought too many times unfortunately
“I’ve always had a terrible weakness for beautiful but sad things.”
Thank you for breaking me. If you didn’t do that I would never learn how to put myself together and survive on my own.
i can think of a few instances that i have completely lost myself and who i was/am by trying to be what the person i loved/wanted, wanted me to be. it is an awful feeling, and extremely hard to recover from. but what i have learned from it is that those who truly love you, love you.. for your strengths and your weaknesses. they accept you for who you truly are. they make you a better person, not bring out the worst in you. those who know me, might call me stubborn-- which in a sense, i probably am. but too many times before i have given up what i have wanted or what i have felt or believed in, to make someone else happy. and over the years, i have learned that i love the person i am. who i am, im not giving up for anyone ever again.
This is what I learned from you: how to be cruel, how to be kind, and how to go back and forth between those two things with alarming and heartbreaking rapidity.
-- Unfortunately, this completely describes a past relationship of mine.
I love this quote. So many people waste days, years, lifetimes being miserable. We all could have many, many things that we could be angry about. We all have a past. I think one of my best/worst features is my ability to forgive. Most of the time it comes back to bite me in the ass, but I would much rather be able to forgive people and move on and be happy in life, than to hold that anger and resentment in my heart and not live my life.
I am such a crazy cat lady. They are so cute!!
Not even in my dreams do we talk about “us,” nor do I kiss you, nor do I tell you I still love you. We do talk, though. And oh, how I love our chats.
- I love dreams. They can take you back to such places or memories, and they feel so real.
This so sums up many of my emotions lately. We spend our entire childhood talking about how we cant wait to grow up, to do grown up things, to have people not look and talk to us like we are "children" But what we forget about and overlook is all of the responsibility that comes along with growing up. We dont realize that we're probably going to get our hearts broken more than a few times, we're probably going to hurt those we care about. Our biggest problems go from mom making us come inside to take a bath after a long night playing outside, to finding a job in this awful economy, finding and keeping the loves of our lives, and how to manage our money wisely to pay our bills on time. And out of nowhere, all of the changes hit you head on, and life stops being just fun, and becomes quite scary.