Tuesday, July 10, 2012

.. everything leaves a mark ..

such an awful feeling, that i have felt too many times. to love someone so much, and to know that you are just their convenience, their option, they know that they can use the fact that you will always be there, no matter what.

ive always been a dreamer, ever since i was a kid. im proud to be a dreamer. dreams are the first steps to accomplishments, to conquering things. inventions start from dreams, championships start with dreams, success starts with dreams.

without a doubt. i will look at you and smile, and thank you for making me who i am today


ive had this thought too many times unfortunately

I’ve always had a terrible weakness for beautiful but sad things.

Thank you for breaking me. If you didn’t do that I would never learn how to put myself together and survive on my own. 

i can think of a few instances that i have completely lost myself and who i was/am by trying to be what the person i loved/wanted, wanted me to be. it is an awful feeling, and extremely hard to recover from. but what i have learned from it is that those who truly love you, love you.. for your strengths and your weaknesses. they accept you for who you truly are. they make you a better person, not bring out the worst in you. those who know me, might call me stubborn-- which in a sense, i probably am. but too many times before i have given up what i have wanted or what i have felt or believed in, to make someone else happy. and over the years, i have learned that i love the person i am. who i am,  im not giving up for anyone ever again.


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