Monday, January 24, 2011

.. behind these castle walls ..

we tend to fall in love the same way we get
sick: without wanting to, without believing it,
against our will and unable to defend ourselves.
and then we lose love exactly the same way.
   In three words i could sum up what i learned
about life so far: it goes on, everything i learned about love:
it doesn’t last, and everything i learned about people: they change fast.

She was a girl that spoke her mind, never played games, and acted confident when she could barely stand looking in the mirror. She didn’t gloat of her achievements, or tell of them even though she had many. She lived in mistakes, in past regrets, and she’s just beginning to realize that sometimes, you can’t change things, that you can’t go back in the past and sometimes, you just have to move on because life’s too short to dwell on the unchangeable. 

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